Under the Hawthorn Tree


Under the Hawthorn Tree
Marita Conlon – McKenna
ISBN 9780862782061
The O’Brien Press 2007

Ireland in the 1840s is devastated by famine. When tragedy strikes their family, Eily, Michael and Peggy are left to fend for themselves. Starving and in danger of being sent to the workhouse, they escape.
Their only hope is to find the great-aunts they have heard about in their mother’s stories. With tremendous courage they set out on a journey that will test every reserve of strength, love and loyalty they possess.


Under the Hawthorn Tree
Marita Conlon – McKenna
ISBN 9780862782061
The O’Brien Press 2007

Ireland in the 1840s is devastated by famine. When tragedy strikes their family, Eily, Michael and Peggy are left to fend for themselves. Starving and in danger of being sent to the workhouse, they escape.
Their only hope is to find the great-aunts they have heard about in their mother’s stories. With tremendous courage they set out on a journey that will test every reserve of strength, love and loyalty they possess.

Weight 0.128 kg

1 review for Under the Hawthorn Tree

  1. Caitriona Ni Shuilleabhain

    Leigh mé an leabhar seo nuair a bhí mé sa bhunscoil. Chuaigh sé go mór i bhfeidhm orm agus tá na mothútháin fós liom. Aon uair a leagaim súil ar an gclúdach, titeann mo chroí isteach i mo bholg arís ag smaoineamh ar Eily, Michael agus Peggy. Bhí siad beo tríd an eachtra is measa b’fhéidir i stair na tire agus bhí siad ag fulaingt go géar. Ní raibh mé ach dhá bhliain déag d’aois agus mé ag léamh an leabhar seo ach beidh tionchar an scéal liom go deo. Beidh tú croíbhriste, brónach do na páistí neamhúrchóideach sa leabhar seo ach beidh tuiscint níos leithne agat ar fulaingt na ndaoine ag an am, agat freisin. Scríobh Marita Conlon-McKenna an scéal seo faoi dílseacht, grá, láidreacht agus crógacht na carachtair agus d’eirigh leí íomhá gruama an Ghorta Mór a léiriú dúinn go héifeachtach.

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