Showing all 145 resultsSorted by latest
Cnuasach Chléire
Breandán Ó Buachalla DIAS 2017 ISBN 9781855002340 Lth/Pgs 361 Thar thréimshe leathcheád bliana, bhí an mórscoláire Breandán Ó Buachalla ag gabháil do staidéar ar Ghaeilge Chléire i gContae Chorcaí. Mar chuid den taighde sin, bhí cnuasach focal á réiteach lena fhoilsiú aige a léireodh sainiúlacht chanúint an oileáin. Ach cailleadh
Dá dTrian Feasa Fiafraighidh:Essays on the Irish Grammatical and Metrical Tradition
Edited by Gordon Ó Riain DIAS 2017 ISBN 9781855002357 Lth/Pgs 375 This collection of essays concerns metrical and grammatical handbooks dating from the Early Irish period to the seventeenth century. These texts are of great importance for our understanding of the history of education and linguistics in medieval and early
Aon Don Éigse
Essaysb Marking Osborn Bergin’s Centenary Lecture on Bardic Poetry (1912) Edited by Caoimhín Breathnach & Meidhbhín Ní Úrdail ISBN 9781855002302 Lth/Pgs 315 In April 2012, a conference was held in the School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, to mark the centenary of Osborn Bergin’s lecture on ‘Bardic
Medieval Welsh Poems to Saints and Shrines
Edited by Barry J. Lewis Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 2015 ISBN 9781855002289 Lth/Pgs 486 This volume presents a selection of Middle Welsh verse illustrating the cult of saints, shrines, relics, holy wells and pilgrimages in late medieval Wales. Composed between c.1440 and c.1540, these twenty-five poems give voice to
The Spiritual Rose
The Spiritual Rose Prayers and Meditations in Irish Malachy McKenna editor with a Linguistic Introduction. ISBN: 1855001861 School of Celtic Studies Dublin Institute for advanced studies 2001 424 lth. Tugann an t-eagrán seo den Spiritual Rose léiriú ar Ghaeilge oir-dheisceart Uladh, a bhí a labhairt i dtosach an naoú céad
The Wedding Poems of Dáibhí Ó Bruadar
The Wedding Poems of Dáibhí Ó Bruadar Margo Griffin-Wilson (Editor) ISBN: 9781855002166 School of Celtic Studies Dublin Institute for advanced studies 2010 496 lth. Tugann an leabhar seo léiriú ar trí dhán a bhaineann le pósadh, ón seachtú céad déag This book presents a new edition and translation of three
Párliament na mBán
Párliament na mBán Edited with introduction, notes and vocabulary by Brian Ó Cuív Institiuid Ard-Léinn 1977 270 lth. A late seventeenth-century didactic work by Domhnall Ó Colmáin, based in part on the `Senatulus’, one of the Colloquia familiaria of Erasmus.
Materials for a Bibliography of The Very Reverend Peter Canon O’Leary 1839-1920
Materials for a Bibliography of The Very Reverend Peter Canon O’Leary 1839-1920 Shan Ó Cuív Supplement to Celtica, Vol. 11, Part 2 (1954)
Immrama Volume X
Immrama Mediaeval and Modern Irish Series Volume X Editor A.G. Van Hamel With supplementary Bibliography and Bibliographical Notes. ISBN: 185500187X School of Celtic Studies Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 2004 155 lth.
The Two Patricks
The Two Patricks Thomas F. O’Rahilly. ISBN: 0901282308 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1981 First published 1942 83 lth. Written in English A lecture on the History of Christianity in Fifth-Century Ireland
Dán do Oide: essays in memory of Conn R. Ó Cléirigh, 1927–1995
Dán do Oide: essays in memory of Conn R. Ó Cléirigh, 1927–1995 Edited by Anders Ahlqvist agus Vêra Čapková ISBN 0946452172 Institiúid Teangeolaíochta Éireann 1997 610 lth. Nuair a cailleadh Conn R. Ó Cléirigh in Aibreán 1995, tar éis na blianta fada a chaitheamh ina Ollamh le Teangeolaíocht I gColáiste
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
The Celtic Question : Modern Constructs and Ancient Realities
The Celtic Question : Modern Constructs and Ancient Realities Kim McCone Myles Dillon Memorial Lecture April 208 ISBN 9781855002104 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 2008 56 lth. The present work is a modified version of the Myles Dillon Memorial lecture given with the same title at the Dublin Institute for
Scáthán Shacramuinte na hAithridhe
Scáthán Shacramuinte na hAithridhe Scríbhinní Gaeilge na mbráthar Mionúr Imleabhar I Aodh Mac Aingil, O.F.M. a chum Cainneach Ó Maonaigh, O.F.M. a chuir in eagar ISBN 185500027X Institiúid Árd-Léinn 1952 Atheagar é seo ar théax a cuireadh i gcló i Lobháin sa mbliain 1645. A work on the sacrament of
Rialachas San Froinsias II
Rialachas San Froinsias II Scríbhinní Gaeilge na mbráthar Mionúr Imleabhar II Pádraig Ó Súilleabháin O.F.M a chuir in eagar ISBN 1855000334 Institiúid Árd-Léinn 1953 Séard tá sa leabhar seo trí théx ghairide, mar atá, 1) Riaghuil Threas Uird S. Froinsias, dá ngoirthear Ord na hAithrighe a chuir Brian Mac Giolla
Parrthas an Anma
Parrthas an Anma Scríbhinní Gaeilge na mbráthar Mionúr Imleabhar III Antoin Gearnon, O.F.M., a chum Anselm Ó Fachtna, O.F.M. a chuir in eagar Institiúid Árd-Léinn 1953 Atheagar é seo ar théax a cuireadh i gcló i Lobháin sa mbliain 1645. A book of religious instruction and devotion; first printed in
Lucerna Fidelium
Lucerna Fidelium Froinsias Ó Maolmhuaidh O.F.M. a chum Pádraig Ó Súilleabháin, O.F.M a chuir in eagar ISBN 1855000628 Institiúid Árd-Léinn 1962 Séard atá sa leabhar seo, atheagar ar Lucerna Fidelium, a scríobh an tAthair Froinsias Ó Maolmhuaidh O.F.M, agus a cuireadh i gcló sa Róimh sa bhliain 1676. B’é an
The Irish of Iorras Aithneach County Galway Volume 1
The Irish of Iorras Aithneach County Galway Volume 1 Brian Ó Cornáin ISBN 9781855002005 School of Celtic Studies Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 2007 This work describes aspects of the phonology, morphology and vocabulary of the Irish spoken in the peninsula of Iorras Aithneach on the western edge of the
The Irish of Iorras Aithneach County Galway Volume II
The Irish of Iorras Aithneach County Galway Volume II Brian Ó Cornáin ISBN 9781855002012 School of Celtic Studies Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 2007 This volume describes plural nouns and morphology, the verb and pronominals.
The Irish of Iorras Aithneach County Galway Volume III
The Irish of Iorras Aithneach County Galway Volume III Brian Ó Cornáin ISBN 9781855002019 School of Celtic Studies Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 2007 This volume contains chapters on prepositions, functors, initial mutation, higher register, borrowing and language contact, and onomastics.
The Irish of Iorras Aithneach County Galway Volume IV
The Irish of Iorras Aithneach County Galway Volume IV Brian Ó Cornáin ISBN 9781855002035 School of Celtic Studies Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 2007 This volume presents transcriptions and CD containing recordings of a selection of speakers across the generations. The final volume also contains a vocabulary, bibliography and four
Táin Bó Fraích
Táin Bó Fraích Medieval and Modern Irish Series XXII Edited by Wolfgang Meid ISBN 1855000741 School of Celtic Studies Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1994
The Irish Adam and Eve Story I
The Irish Adam and Eve Story I From Saltair na Rann Volume I: Text and translation by David Greene and Fergus Kelly ISBN 185500089X Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1976 All work on Saltair na Rann (SR) has hitherto been based on the edition published by Whitley Stokes in 1883.
The Irish Adam and Eve Story II
The Irish Adam and Eve Story II From Saltair na Rann Volume II: Commentary by Brian Murdoch ISBN 1855000881 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1976 Preface This commentary on the Irish Adam and Eve narrative in Saltair na Rann has several aims. Its primary purpose is to clarify and to
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
Linguistic Atlas and Survey of Irish Dialects Vol. I
Linguistic Atlas and Survey of Irish Dialects Vol. I Introduction, 300 maps Heinrich Wagner ISBN 0901282456 Reprinted with a bibliographical note and indexes By Eoin McKendry Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1981 Vol. II, III and IV present the full record from which the items in the maps were selected.
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
Linguistic Atlas and Survey of Irish Dialects Vol. II
Linguistic Atlas and Survey of Irish Dialects Vol. II The Dialects of Munster Heinrich Wagner ISBN 0901282464 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1964 / 1982
Leabhar Branach
Leabhar Branach The Book of the O’Byrnes Seán Mac Airt ISBN 1855000083 School of Celtic Studies Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1944/2002 The Leabhar Branach, here edited in the most part for the first time, comprises the poem-books of four generations of the ruling family of the O’Byrnes of Gabhal
Poems of the Butlers
Poems of the Butlers Of Ormond, Cahir and Dunboyne A.D. 1400 – 1650 Edited by James Carney ISBN 1855000113 The collection of poems in this book comprises almost all that remains unpublished of Early Modern Irish verse addressed to members of the various branches of the Butler family.
Lexique Étymologique de L’Irlandais Ancien
Lexique Étymologique de L’Irlandais Ancien RS J. Vendryes Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique Paris 1974 ISBN 2222016290 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies CNRS Éditions Paris 2006
Translations and Adaptations into Irishna feilefeile
Translations and Adaptations into Irish Nessa Ní Shéaghdha School of Celtic Studies ISBN 1855001349 Dublin Institute for Advanced studies 1984 Statutory public lecture, reprinted from Celtica 16
Lexique Étymologique de L’Irlandais Ancien
Lexique Étymologique de L’Irlandais Ancien MNOP Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1960 /1983
Lexique Etymologique de L’Irleandais ancien: (A)
Lexique Etymologique de L’Irleandais ancien: (A) J, Vendryes Institiúid Ard-Léinn 1981 Part one of 7 parts, published in conjunction with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris
Graiméir Ghaeilge na mBráthar Mionúr
Graiméir Ghaeilge na mBráthar Mionúr Parthalán Mac Aogáin O.F.M. ISBN 1855000806 Institiúid Ard-Léinn 2001 Two seventeenth-century grammars of the Irish language one (mainly in Latin) by Giolla Brighde Ó hEodhasa
Celtica Vol. 20
Celtica Vol. 20 Brian Ó Cuív ISBN 0901282960 Institiúid Ard-Léinn Bhaile Átha Cliath 1988 Imleabhar d’iris Scoil an Léinn Cheiltigh an Institiúid Ard-Léinn Bhaile Átha Cliath. Tá ailt an ar ghnéithe éagsúla den léann Ceilteach ón tSean-Ghaeilge go Gaeilge an lae inniu. A volume of the journal of the School
The Irish Bardic Poet
The Irish Bardic Poet James Carney ISBN 1855001284 Dublin Institute for advanced studies Taighde é seo ar an nGaol idir an file agus a chaomhnóir, mar shampla an file, Eochaidh Ó hEoghusa ( Ó Hussey) agus a chaomhnóir eile go mór mhór duine do mhuintir Teaghlach Maguire ó Chontae Fhearánach.
An Introduction to Irish Syllabic Poetry 1200 – 1600
An Introduction to Irish Syllabic Poetry 1200 – 1600 Eleanor Knott ISBN 1855000482 School of Celtic Studies Tugann an leabhar seo cuntas ar dánta Gaelach san am a cruthaíodh an dán díreach timpeall deire an 12ú aois agus tosach 17ú aois. This little book deals with Irish syllabic verse of
A Guide to Early Irish Law
A Guide to Early Irish Law Fergus Kelly ISBN 0901282952 Dublin Institute for advanced studies 2003 Tugann an leabhar seo tuairisc cruinn ar dlí na hÉireann, bunaithe ar dlí-scríbhinní ón 7ú agus 8ú céad. Beadh sé suimiúil don scoláire nó don gnáth léitheoir a bhfuil suim aige i stair dlídóireachta.
Early Irish Farming
Early Irish Farming Fergus Kelly ISBN 1855001802 School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1997 Baintear leas as fianaise na dtráchtas dlí ón seachtú agus ón ochtú haois ach go háirithe sa leabhar maorga seo agus cuirtear é sin i gcomórtas le fianaise na litríochta i gcoitinne mar
Iohannis Scotti Erivgenae – Carmina
Iohannis Scotti Erivgenae – Carmina Scriptores Latini Hiberniae Volume XII Michael W. Herren ISBN 1855001624 Institiúid Ard-Léinn Bhaile Átha Cliath 1993 Eagráin d’amhráin agus dánta de chuid an scoláire/fhealsaimh/fhile Éireannaigh a saolaíodh i dtús an naoú haois. Tá siad leagtha amach sa tslí is go bhfuil an téacs bunaidh agus
Celtica Vol. 22
Celtica 22 Pádraig de Brún, Máirín Ni Dhonnchadha, Máirtin Ó Murchú, Michelle O Riordan ISBN 1855001500 Institiúid Ard-Léinn 1991 Aistí léannta Béarla ar ghnéithe éagsúla de theangacha agus de shaíocht na dtíortha Ceilteacha. Scholarly articles in English on various aspects of the languages and cultures of the Celtic countries.
Celtica Vol. 23 – Essays in honour of Professor James Carney
Celtica 23 Essays in honour of Professor James Carney In eagar ag Fergus Kelly agus Michelle O Riordan ISBN 185500190X Scoil an Léinn Cheiltigh 1999 Breis agus tríocha aiste léannta ar an iliomad gné de shaíocht agus de sheanlitríocht na Gaeilge. Mar a deir na heagarthóirí, tá an t-imleabhar seo
Trí Bior-Ghaoithe an bháis
Trí Bior-Ghaoithe an bháis: Séathrún Céitinn The three shafts of death By Geoffrey Keating D.D. Edited, with introduction, Indexes and Glossary by Osborn Bergin ISBN 1855001586 Scoil na Léinn Cheiltigh 1992 Athchló ar eagrán an Acadaimh, 1931, den téacs tábhachtach as ré luath na nua-Ghaeilge, gona réamhrá ar theanga an
Gaeilge Chois Fhairrge an Deilbhíocht
Gaeilge Chois Fhairrge an Deilbhíocht Tomás De Bhaldraithe ISBN 1855000296 Institiúid Ard-Léinn 1977 Morphology of the dialects of Cois Fhairrge Co. Galway, commentary in Irish.
Aided Muirchertaig meic Erca
Aided Muirchertaig meic Erca Medieval and Modern Irish Series Volume XIX Lil Nic Dhonnchadha ISBN 1855000687 The Dublin Institute for Advanced studies 1980
Christmas Hymns In the Vannes dialect of Breton
Christmas Hymns In the Vannes dialect of Breton Edited by Roparz Hemon ISBN 0901282251 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1982 The Christmas Hymns in this book are contained in a manuscript now in the Library of the Folklore Commission, Dublin. The manuscript was discovered at Colpo, a village twelve miles
Bardic Syntactical Tracts
Bardic Syntactical Tracts Edited by Lambert McKenna S.J., M.A. ISBN 1855000075 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1979 Editions of grammatical treatises by native Irish grammarians of the period 1200 – 1600
Caithréim Cellaig
Caithréim Cellaig Medieval and modern Irish Series Volume XXIV Kathleen Mulchrone ed. ISBN 0901282162 The Dublin Institute for Advanced studies 1978 Tá dhá téacs sa leabhar seo ag cur síos ar bheatha agus dúnmharú Cellaig Naofa easpag Chill Ealaidh sa 5ú nó 6ú céad. Tá dhá leagan don scéal tógtha
Bechbretha An old Irish Law-Tract on Bee Keeping Early Irish Law series. Volume 1. Edited by Thomas Charles-Edwards And Fergus Kelly. ISBN 0901282731 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1983 The text in this edition touches on many legal topics, and provides information on the important subject of comaithches ‘co-operative farming’,
An Bheatha Dhiadha Nó An tSlighe Ríoghdha
An Bheatha Dhiadha Nó An tSlighe Ríoghdha Imleabhar IX Scríbhinní Gaeilge na mBráthar Mionúr Anselm Ó Fachtna, O.F.M. a chuir in eagar ISBN 185000784 Institiúid Ardléinn Bhaile Átha Cliath 1967 Is aistriú Gaeilge é seo ar insint Laidine de leabhar Spáinnise a scríobh Juan Eusebio Nieremberg S.J. (1595 – 1658)
The Book of Leinster Vol II
The Book of Leinster Vol II Formerly Lebar Na Núachongbála Vol II Edited by R. I. Best and M. A. O’Brien ISBN 1855000385 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. 1956
The Book of Leinster Vol III
The Book of Leinster Vol III Formerly Lebar Na Núachongbála Vol III Edited by R. I. Best and M. A. O’Brien ISBN 185000393 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. 1957 This book mainly consists of poems, religious and historical. Written in old Irish with English introductions.
The Book of Leinster IV
The Book of Leinster IV Formerly Lebar Na Núachongbála Vol. IV Edited by R.I Best and M.A. O’Brien ISBN 185000407 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1965
The Book of Leinster Vol V
The Book of Leinster Vol V Formerly Lebar Na Núachongbála Vol V Edited by R. I. Best and M. A. O’Brien ISBN 185000415 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. 1967
The Book of Leinster Vol VI
The Book of Leinster Vol VI Formerly Lebar Na Núachongbála Vol VI Edited by Anne O’Sullivan ISBN 0901282766 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. 1983 The present volume, the 6th, concludes the diplomatic edition of the Book of Leinster undertaken by the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. The first volume appeared
The Book of Magauran
The Book of Magauran Leabhar Méig Shamhradháin Edited by Lambert McKenna, S.J. ISBN 1855000164 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1947 The vellum, commonly known as the Magauran MS., is the property of O’Connor Don and is preserved at Clonalis, Co. Roscommon. It is one of the few MSS. collected
Cath Maighe Léna. Vol. 9
Cath Maighe Léna. Vol. 9 Kenneth Jackson ISBN 1855001381 School Of Celtic Studies Dublin Institute For Advanced Studies. Chuir Kenneth Jackson eagar ar an leabhar seo i 1934 cúpla bliain tar éis dó an Ghaeilge a fhoghlaim. I 1990 thug sé cead don DIAS é a athchló le cúpla aistriúcháin.
Tuarascáil leathchéad bliain 1940-1990
Tuarascáil leathchéad bliain 1940-1990 Scoil an Léinn Cheiltigh 2000 ISBN 1855001411 Athchló ar an saothar a cuireadh i gcló den chéad uair i 1990. A reprint of the work that appeared in 1990.
Les Fragments de La Destruction de Jerusalem
Les Fragments de La Destruction de Jerusalem Medieval and Modern Breton Series Volume 11 Amours Du Vieillard Roparz Hemon Gwennole Le Menn ISBN 0901282030 Institiúid Ard Léinn 1969v Fragments of two verse-plays, possibly dating from the 15th century
Branwen Uerch Lyr.
Branwen Uerch Lyr. Medieval and Modern Welsh series Volume II The Second of the Four Branches of the Mabinogi edited from the White Book of Rhydderch with variants from the Red Book of Hergest and from Peniarth 6 Derick S. Thomson Professor of Celtic University of Glasgow ISBN 1855000598 Institiúid
The Annals of Inisfallen
The Annals of Inisfallen (MS. Rawlinson B. 503) Edited with Translation and Indexes by Seán Mac Airt, M.A. Lecturer in Celtic, Queen’s University Belfast ISBN 1855000237 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1988 With English translations
The Apocrypha In The Irish Church.
The Apocrypha In The Irish Church. Martin McNamara, MSC. ISBN 0901282650 Dublin Inst. For Advanced Studies. 1984 Written in English this is an absolutely fascinating book that zooms in on a not so common theme in Irish literature and history – the Apocrypha. Many questions are raised and some solutions
Celtica Vol. 16
Celtica Vol. 16 Edited by Brian Ó Cuív ISBN 0901282839 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1984
Celtica Vol. 17
Celtica Vol. 17 Edited by Brian Ó Cuív ISBN 0901282839 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1985 An Clár Collectors of Irish Manuscripts: Motives and Methods…N. Ní Shéaghdha. Gilbogus in Manx Latin: Celtic or Norse Origin…William Sayers. Cosmology in Saltair na Rann..John Carey. Oir. Sercol…Joseph Eska. A Middle Irish Poem
Celtica Vol. 18
Celtica Vol. 18 Edited by Brian Ó Cuív ISBN 0901282863 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1986 An Clár Two Notes on Final-verb Constructions….Fergus Kelly The Manuscript Tradition of Two Middle Irish Leinster Tales…T. Ó Concheanainn. A Personal Reference by Giola Íosa Mac Fhir Bhisigh…T. Ó Concheanainn. A new Edition
Celtica Vol. 19
Celtica Vol. 19 Edited by Brian Ó Cuív ISBN 0901282928 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1987 An Clár Angelology in Saltair na Ran…John Carey. Echtrae Conlai: a Crux Revisited…John Carey. Nótaí ar Fhocail….T. de Bhaldraithe. The Manuscript Tradition of Mesca Ulad….T. ó Concheanainn. A Poem of Prophecy on UaConchobair
Celtica Vol. 21
Celtica Vol. 21 Essays in Honour of Brian Ó Cuív. Edited by Pádraig de Brún and Máirtín Ó Murchú Assisted by Colin Ireland. ISBN 185500139X The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1990 Preface Brian Ó Cuív retired as Senior Professor from the School of Celtic Studies on 20 November 1988.
Celtica Vol. 2 Part 1
Celtica Vol. 2 Part 1 Edited by M. A. O’Brien ISBN 1855000288 Dublin Institute for advanced Studies 1952 Contents Part 1 An Irish Tract on The Stations of the Cross Brian …..Ó Cuiv Dhá Rann ar an Iairmhéirghe…… Brian Ó Cuiv Fragments of Two Mediaval Treatises on Horses …. Brian
Celtica Vol. 2 Part 2
Celtica Vol 2 Part 2 Edited by M. A. O’Brien ISBN 1855000350 Dublin Institute for advanced Studies 1954 Contents Part 2 On Some Forms of the Verb ‘to be’ in Breton…….Roparz Hemon The Breton Personal Pronoun as Direct object of the Verb …….Roparz Hemon A Poem on The Í Néill…….
Celtica Vol. 1 Part 1
Celtica Vol. 1 Part 1 Edited by T. F. O’Rahilly ISBN 1855000148 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1946 An Clár. Leabhar 1 Manutiana……. Rev. Canice Mooney O.F.M. Topographical Fragments from the Franciscan Library…… Rev. Canice Mooney O.F.M. De Scriptoribus Hibernicis…… James Carney Fragments of a Modern Irish Version of
Celtica Vol. 1 Part 2
Celtica Vol. 1 Part 2 Edited by T. F. O’Rahilly ISBN 1855000202 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1950 Part 2 An Clár. Leabhar 2 Flaithrí Ó Maolchonaire’s Cathechism of Christian Doctrine………..Brian Ó Cuiv. A Modern Irish Devotional Tract………. Brian Ó Cuiv. A Tract on the O’Rourkes Wife……James Carney. Fada
Celtica Vol. 3
Celtica Vol. 3 Zeuss Memorial Edited by T. Myles Dillon ISBN 1855000474 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. 1956 An Clár. The Background to Grammatica Celtica…Francis Shaw, S.J. A Contribution to the History of Celtology…G. Bonfante. Confusa Caligo….Paul Grosjean, S.J. Grammatical Analysis and the Declension of the Noun in Irish….
Celtica Vol. 4
Celtica Vol. 4 Vol. IV Edited by M.A, O’Brien ISBN 1855000547 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1958 An Clár Scél Saltrach na Rann…Myles Dillon Miscellanea…David Greene Rawlinson B 477…Sheila Falconer. An Irish Translation of the Gregory Legend….Sheila Falconer. Cíos na hAinnise….Tomás de Bhaldraithe. Short Notes…M.A. O’Brien. Brian Mac Giolla
Celtica Vol. 5
Celtica Vol 5 Vol. V Richard Irvine Best Memorial Volume Edited by Myles Dillon ISBN 1855000563 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies First published 1960. Reprinted 1983 An Clár Bibliography of the Publications of Richard Irvine Best. An Unedited Fragment of Irish Exegesis in Visigothic Script…E. A. Lowe. Some Notes
Celtica Vol. 6
Celtica Vol. 6 Edited by Myles Dillon ISBN 1855000679 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies First published 1963. Reprinted 1980 An Clár Professor Michael A. O’Brien, 1896-1962. Preliminaries to a Hostorical and Comparative Analysis of the Syntax of the Old Irish Verb…Calvert Watkins. Le Puits de Nechtan….Georges Dumézil. Ir.gnás :
Celtica Vol. 7
Celtica Vol. 7 Edited by Myles Dillon School of Celtic Studies. ISBN 1855000725 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies First published 1966. Reprinted 1991 An Clár Notes on the Scripts and Make-up of the Book of Leinster…W.O’Sullivan Marcach = ‘messenger’….Cecile O’Rahilly. Gurab, Present Indicatie of the Copula…Cecile O’Rahilly. Miscellanea…. Cecile
Celtica Vol. 8
Celtica Vol. 8 Edited by Myles Dillon School of Celtic Studies. ISBN 1855000830 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1968 An Clár Noínden Ulad: The Debility of the Ulidiane…Vernam Hull. Sithichtho Wb.6 a 5….Séamus Kavanagh. Apgitir Chrábaid: The Alphabet of Piety…..Vernam Hull. Senchus Fer nAlban. Part 1 (continued)….. John Bannerman.
Celtica Vol. 9
Celtica Vol. 9 Edited by Myles Dillon ISBN 090128260X The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1973 / 2003 An Clár The Second Recension of the Evernew Tongue… Úna Nic Énrí and G. Mac Niocaill. Uí Maine in the Annals and Genealogies to 1225….J.V. Kelleher. Notes on Conjunctions….Cecile O’Rahilly. Correction to
Celtica Vol. 10
Celtica Vol. 10 Edited by Myles Dillon ISBN 1855000849 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1973 An Clár The Consecration of Irish Kings…..Myles Dillon. A poem on the Kings of the Eóganachta….Myles Dillon. Vestiges of the Irish Dialect of East Mayo… Myles Dillon. Distraint in Irish Law…. D.A. Binchy. A
Celtica Vol. 11
Celtica Vol. 11 Myles Dillon Memorial Volume Edited by David Greene and Brian Ó Cuív ISBN 1855000938 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1976 An Clár Myles Dillon (1900-1972): A Bibliograph…Rolf Baumgarten Two Observations Concerning the Naigatio Brendani….Ludwig Bieler. Féchem, Fethem, Aigne….D.A.Binchy. Unublished Letters by Edward Lhuyd in the National
Celtica Vol. 12
Celtica Vol. 12 Edited by Brian Ó Cuív ISBN 1855000970 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1977 An Clár The Irish Settlements in Wales…Myles Dillon. Notae Wirziburgenses….Séamus Kavanagh. Celtic-Latin Texts in Northern England, c 1150-c1250….David Dunville. A Fragment of La Création….Noel Hamilton. The Suffixed Pronouns in Early Irish….Liam Breatnach. Old
Celtica Vol. 13
Celtica Vol. 13 Edited by Brian Ó Cuív ISBN 1855001225 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1980 An Clár Tochmarc Luaine ocus Aided Athairne…Liam Breatnach. An Early Modern Irish ‘Harrowing of Hell’…William Gillies. The YBL Fragment of Táin Bó Flidais…Tomás Ó Concheanainn. The Origins of the Irish Monastic Tradition at
Celtica Vol. 14
Celtica Vol. 14 Edited by Brian Ó Cuív ISBN 185001241 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1981 An Clár Three Notes…Cecile O’Rahilly. An Irish Poet at the Roman Curia…Brian Ó Cuív. Demne Mael…Joseph Falaky Nagy. The Book of Ballymote..T. Ó Concheanainn. Addenda to Celtica XIII… Brian Ó Cuív. The Etymology
Celtica Vol. 15
Celtica Vol 15 Edited by Brian Ó Cuív ISBN 1855001268 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1983 An Clár Cró, cru and Similar Words…David Greene. Two Notes on Relatie Marking in Old Irish..A. Ahlqvist. ‘De Fontivus Iuris Romani’….D.A..Binchy. On Abstract Nouns from Prepositions in Irish…Liam Breatnach. The Origin of Scottish
Celtic Word Formation
Celtic Word Formation The Velar Suffixes Paul Russell ISBN 1855001373 Dublin institute for Advanced studies Dearbhaíonn an t-údar go bhfuil Wortbildung cuimsithe na dteangacha Ceilteacha le scríobh fós cé go mbaineann mionphlé ar chumadh focal leis an gcuid is mó de na teangacha Ind-Eorpacha eile. Féachann an saothar seo, le
Doctrin An Christenien
Doctrin An Christenien Medieval and Modern Breton Series Volume IV Texte de 1622 En moyen-breton Accompagné de la version Française et du texte en Breton moderne de 1677 avec preface et notes de Roparz Hemon ISBN 1855000954 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1977 Breton versions of the Catholic catechism
East Sutherland Gaelic
East Sutherland Gaelic The Dialect of the Brora, Golspie and Embo fishing communities Nancy C. Dorian ISBN 1855000997 Institiúid Ard-Léinn 1978
Eachtra Uilliam
Eachtra Uilliam An Irish version of William of Palerne Cecile O’Rahilly ISBN 1855000180 Institiúid Ard-Léinn 1984 With English translation
Fingal Rónáin and other stories Vol. XVI
Fingal Rónáin and other stories Vol. XVI David Greene ISBN 1855000458 Institiúid Ard-Léinn 1993 The texts included are Fingal Rónáin, Orgain Denna Rig, Esnada tige Buchet, Orgguin trí mac Diarmada mic Cerbaill, Aided Maclodráin
Cath Finntrágha
Cath Finntrágha Medieval and Modern Irish Series Volume XX Edited from MS. Rawlinson B 487 by Cecile O’Rahilly ISBN 185500061X The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1975 First Published 1962
Old Irish Reader
Old Irish Reader Texts and Vocabulary Rudolf Thurneysen Translated from the German by D.A.Binchy and Osborn Bergin First published 1949 ISBN 0901282324 The Dublin Institute for advanced studies 1981
Buile Shuibhne
Buile Shuibhne Medieval and Modern Irish Series. Vol 1 Edited by J.G. O’Keefe. ISBN 1855000261 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1975 Buile Suibhne is one of a number of tales treating of the battle of Magh Rath and of the prowess and renown of its victor, Domhnall son of
Lorgaireacht an tSoidhigh Naomhtha
Lorgaireacht an tSoidhigh Naomhtha An early Modern Irish Translation of the Quest of the Holy Grail Edited with English Translation By Sheila Falconer ISBN 185500030X Institiúid Ard-Léinn 1953 The publication of the Irish translation of the Quest of the Holy Grail makes generally accessible what is believed to be the
Scéla Cano Meic Gartnáin
Scéla Cano Meic Gartnáin Mediaval And Modern Irish Series Volume XVIII Edited by D.A.Binchy ISBN 1855000652 The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1975 First published 1963
The Irish Penitentials
The Irish Penitentials Ludwig Bieler With an appendix by D. A. Binchy Vol. V ISBN 1855000660 Institiúid Ard-Léinn 1975
Téacs agus Údar i bhFilíocht na Scol
Téacs agus Údar I bhFilíocht na Scol Pádraig Ó Macháin ISBN 1855001853 Scoil an Léinn Cheiltigh 2000 Leagan cóirithe é seo de chaint dár teideal ‘Ar thóir téacs agus údair i bhfilíocht na scol’, a tugadh mar Léacht Reachtúil de chuid Scoil an Léinn Cheiltigh, Institiúid Ard-Léinn Bhaile Átha Cliath,
Fragmentary Annals of Ireland
Fragmentary Annals of Ireland Joan Newlon Radner ISBN 18550001047 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Annals relating to the years 573 – 914 with English translation
Córas Fuaimeanna na Gaeilge
Córas Fuaimeanna na Gaeilge Na Canúintí agus an Caighdeán Mícheál Ó Siadhail Arndt Wigger Institiúid Ard-Léinn 1983 Is éard atá san obair seo iarracht ar roinnt den eolas atá le fáil faoi chanúintí na Gaeilge a shaothrú le chéile. Ar an gcaoi sin, ceanglaítear suas na canúintí éagsúla agus i
A Historical Morphology and Syntax of Breton
A Historical Morphology and Syntax of Breton Medieval and Modern Breton Series Volume 111 Roparz Hemon The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1984
Sean chaint na nDéise
Sean chaint na nDéise The Idiom of Living Irish Most Rev. M. Sheehan Second Edition Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1944 This book consists of about one-third of material collected in the parish of Ring, Co. Waterford by the Rev. Micheál Sheehan, between the years 1906 and 1922.
Seana chaint na nDéise 11
Seana chaint na nDéise 11 Edited with Phonetic Transcriptions and Notes by Risteard B. Breatnach Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1984 Studies in the Vocabulary and Idiom of Déise. Irish based mainly on material collected by Archbishop Michael Sheehan (1870-1945)
Téarmaí Tógála agus Tís as Inis Meáin
Téarmaí Tógála agus Tís as Inis Meáin Micheál Ó Siadhail Institiúid Ardléinn 1978 Bailíodh Na téarmaí seo in Inis Meáin ó am go chéile i gcaitheamh 1975-76. Ta na téarmaí roinnte mar seo leanas: Cuid 1 Tógáil tí Cuid 2 Troscán agus trealamh tí Cuid 3 Éadaí agus trealamh pearsanta
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
Linguistic Atlas and Survey of Irish Dialects Vol. III
Linguistic Atlas and Survey of Irish Dialects Vol. III Heinrich Wagner ISBN 0901282472 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1982 The Dialects of Connaught
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
Linguistic Atlas and Survey of Irish Dialects Vol. IV
Linguistic Atlas and Survey of Irish Dialects Vol IV Heinrich Wagner and Colm Ó Baoill ISBN 0901282057 First published 1969 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1982 The Dialects of Ulster and the Isle of Man. Specimens of Scottish Gaelic Dialects. Phonetic Texts of East Ulster Irish.
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
The Irish of Erris, Co. Mayo
The Irish of Erris, Co. Mayo A phonemic study by Éamonn Mhac an Fhailigh With a grammatical supplement ISBN 0901282022 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1980 First published 1968 Preface: The barony of Erris occupies the north-west corner of the Co. Mayo. Broadhaven from the north and Blacksod Bay from
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
Irish Dialects Past and Present
Irish Dialects Past and Present With chapters on Scottish and Manx. Thomas F. O’Rahilly ISBN 0901282552 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1988 First published 1932 T.F. O’Rahilly’s Irish Dialects Past and Present, first published in 1932, was a pioneer work in a field, which until then had attracted comparatively few
Categories: Ceol & amhráin / Music & song, Filíocht / Poetry, Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies
Nua-Dhuanaire 1
Nua-Dhuanaire 1 Pádraig de Brún, Breandán Ó Buachalla and Tomás Ó Concheanainn ISBN 0 901282 18 9 Institiúid Ard-Léinn 1971/1986/1997 Filíocht ón 17ú céad Poems from the seventeenth century, together with some folksongs; commentary in Irish
An Teagasg Críosdaidhe
An Teagasg Críosdaidhe Bonabhentura Ó hEodhasa O. F. M. a chum Vol. XI Fearghal Mac Raghnaill, O.F.M a chuir in eagarV ISBN 0 901282 72 3 Institiúid Ard-Léinn 1976 Leabhar Teagasc Críostaí as Gaeilge a foilsíodh an chéad uair sa bhliain 1611 An Irish catechism first published in 1611
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Taighde / Study, Taighde / Study
The Stowe version of Táin Bó Cuailnge
The Stowe version of Táin Bó Cuailnge Cecile O’Rahilly a chuir in eagar ISBN 1 85500 058 X Institiúid Ard-Léinn 1961/1978 Leagan 15ú céad den Táin A fifteenth-century version of the Táin
Nua-Dhuanaire Cuid II
Nua-Dhuanaire Cuid II Breandán Ó Buachalla ISBN 0901282707 Institiúid Ardléinn 1976 Is é atá sa chuid seo den Nua-Dhuanaire filíocht Chúige Uladh (idir fhilíocht liteartha agus amhráin na ndaoine) sa tréimhse c.1700-c. 1850. Poems from the northern half of Ireland, c.1700 – 1850 Commentary in Irish
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
The Impact of the Scandinavian Invasions
The Impact of the Scandinavian Invasions On the Celtic-speaking Peoples c.800 – 1100 A.D Edited by Brian Ó Cuív Institiúid Ard-Léinn 1983 Introductory Papers read at Plenary Sessions of the International Congress of Celtic Studies held in Dublin 6-10 July 1959
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Oideachas / Education, Triú leibhéal / Third-level
A Grammar of Old Irish
A Grammar of Old Irish Rudolf Thurneysen Translated from the German by D.A. Binchy and Osborn Bergin With Supplement. ISBN 1855001616 School of Celtic Studies First published 1946 This reprint 2003
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Leabhair bhéarla / English books, Leabhair bhéarla / English books, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
Irish Dialects and Irish-Speaking Districts
Irish Dialects and Irish-Speaking Districts Three Lectures by Brian Ó Cuív 1950 ISBN 0901282480 First published 1951 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1993 The first two lectures in this book were delivered in March 1950 in Trinity College Dublin, and the third lecture was delivered at the colloquium of the
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Taighde / Study, Taighde / Study
Lámhscríbhinní Gaeilge: Treoirliosta
Lámhscríbhinní Gaeilge: Treoirliosta Pádraig de Brún ISBN 0901282979 Institiúid Ard-Léinn Bhaile Átha Cliath 1988 Leagan athnuaite de shaothar a foilsíodh in Studia Hibernia 7 (1967), ‘Cnuasaigh de lámhscríbhinní Gaeilge: treoirliosta’ ina bhfuil iarracht déanta gach lámhscríbhinní ina bhfuil aon ní a bhféadfaí téacs leanúnach Gaeilge a thabhairt air a chlárú
Categories: Aistriúcháin / Translations, Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies
A Welsh Bestiary of Love
A Welsh Bestiary of Love Graham C.G Thomas Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Cuireann na haistriúcháin seo de Bestiaire d’Amour le Richart de Fornival go Breatnais fianaise Thábhachtach ar fáil maidir le forbairt na Breatnaise sa 15ú agus sa 16ú haois. These Welsh translations of Richart de Fornival’s Bestiaire d’Amour
Five Seventeenth-Century Political Poems
Five Seventeenth-Century Political Poems Cecile O’Rahilly Institiúid Árd-Léinn Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1977 These five political poems give us the ‘bone and marrow’ of the period 1640-1659. They are detailed and informative, and together they offer cumulative evidence to prove the appalling social and political conditions of the period
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
The Gaelic of Kintyre
The Gaelic of Kintyre Nils M. Holmer First published 1962 School of Celtic Studies Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1981 The total number of Gaelic speakers in Kintyre in 1931 is given in MacLaren’s Féillire for 1937 as 1,179 out of a population of 11,744 i.e. about 10 per cent.
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
The Gaelic of Arran
The Gaelic of Arran Nils M. Holmer ISBN 0901282448 First published 1957 School of Celtic Studies Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 2002 Gaelic on the Scottish Isle of Arran researched by Nils M. Holmer and first published in 1957
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Taighde / Study, Taighde / Study
Críth Gablach Vol XI
Críth Gablach Vol XI Mediaeval and Modern Irish Series. Edited by D.A. Binchy. The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1979 This book is about early medieval Irish Law 1500 A.D. and earlier. The body of the book is in medieval Irish with a 20 page introduction in English and 70
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Taighde / Study, Taighde / Study
The Metrical Dindshenchas Part II
The Metrical Dindshenchas Part II Edward Gwynn ISBN 185500 145 4 Dublin Institute for Advanced studies 1991 Originally published by the Royal Irish Academy as vol. IX of its Todd Lecture Series 1906 Reprinted 1941 Text, Translation and Commentary.
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Taighde / Study, Taighde / Study
The Metrical Dindshenchas Part III
The Metrical Dindshenchas Part III Edward Gwynn ISBN 185500 146 2 Dublin Institute for Advanced studies 1991 Originally published by the Royal Irish Academy as vol. X of its Todd Lecture Series 1913 Text, Translation and Commentary
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Taighde / Study, Taighde / Study
The Metrical Dindshenchas Part IV
The Metrical Dindshenchas Part IV Edward Gwynn ISBN 185500 147 0 Dublin Institute for Advanced studies 1991 Originally published by the Royal Irish Academy as vol. XI of its Todd Lecture Series 1924 Text, Translation and Commentary
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Taighde / Study, Taighde / Study
The Metrical Dindshenchas Part V
The Metrical Dindshenchas Part V Edward Gwynn ISBN 185500 148 9 Dublin Institute for Advanced studies 1991 Originally published by the Royal Irish Academy as vol. XII of its Todd Lecture Series 1935 General Introduction, Addenda, Corrigenda, Indexes and Glossary.
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Taighde / Study, Taighde / Study
College Des Irlandais Paris and Irish Studies
College Des Irlandais Paris and Irish Studies Proinsias Mac Cana Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 2001 ISBN 1855001950
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Taighde / Study, Taighde / Study
Clár Lámhscríbhinní Gaeilge Fascúl II
Clár Lámhscríbhinní Gaeilge Fascúl II Leabharlanna na Cléire Agus Mionchnuasaigh Pádraig Ó Fiannachta Institiúid Ard-Léinn 1980 Clár Lámhscríbhinní Choláiste Phádraig, Ard Mhacha Fáltais Nua I gColáiste Phádraig, Má Nuad Lámhscríbhinní Choláiste Choill Chluana Gabhann Lámhscríbhinní Choláiste Naomh Mel, Longfort Lámhscríbhinní na nÍosánach, Sráid Líosan, Baile Átha Cliath Lámhscríbhinní i gClochar
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Taighde / Study, Taighde / Study
Clár Lámhscríbhinní Gaeilge Fascúl 1
Clár Lámhscríbhinní Gaeilge Fascúl 1 Leabharlanna na Cléire Agus Mionchnuasaigh Pádraig Ó Fiannachta Institiúid Ard-Léinn 1978 Clár Lámhscríbhinní Choláiste Eoin, Port Láirge Lámhscríbhinní Choláiste Chiaráin, Cill Chainnigh Lámhscríbhinní Choláiste Cholmáin Mainistir Fhear Maí.
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Taighde / Study, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
Celtic Studies in the Netherlands: A Bibliography
Celtic Studies in the Netherlands: A Bibliography Marc Shneider Kees Veelenturf Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1992 Clár leabhar agus alt léannta a léiríonn spéis lucht léinn na hÍsiltíre sa Léann Ceilteach le trí chéad bhliain anuas. A bibliography illustrating the interest taken by scholars in the Netherlands in Celtic
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Taighde / Study, Taighde / Study
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the Royal Irish Academy
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the Royal Irish Academy: Index Cuid 2 Kathleen Mulchrone Elizabeth Fitzpatrick A.I. Pearson Royal Irish Academy 1958
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Taighde / Study, Taighde / Study
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the Royal Irish Academy
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the Royal Irish Academy: Index Cuid 1 Kathleen Mulchrone Elizabeth Fitzpatrick A.I.Pearson Royal Irish Academy 1948 (Crua)
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Taighde / Study, Taighde / Study
Bibliography of Irish Philology – To 1912
Bibliography of Irish Philology and of printed Irish literature -To 1912 R.I Best Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies ISBN 1 85500 159 4 Athchló (maille le méadú ar an innéacs) de bhunáis taighde a cuireadh amach i gcéaduair i 1913. A reprint (with extended indices) of a basic research tool
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Taighde / Study, Taighde / Study
Bethu Brigte
Bethu Brigte Edited by Donncha Ó hAodha Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1978
Categories: Creideamh / Religion, Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Meánscoil / Secondary, Oideachas / Education
Dr. Bedell and Mr. King The Making of the Irish Bible
Dr. Bedell and Mr. King. The Making of the Irish Bible Terence McCaughey School of Celtic Studies Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 2001 This reprint 2009 63 lth. This study, in a slightly shorter form was originally delivered as the annual Statutory Public Lecture of the Celtic School of the
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
Collectors of Irish Manuscripts
Collectors of Irish Manuscripts Motives and Methods Nessa Ní Shéaghdha Richard Irvine Best Lecture 1984 School of Celtic Studies Dublin Institute for advanced studies 1999 ISBN 0901282847 This is a revised version of the Richard Irvine Best Memorial Lecture given in Academy House, by kind permission of the Royal Irish
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
Clar Lámhscríbhinní Gaeilge Chorcaí
Clár Lámhscríbhinní Gaeilge Ollscoile Chorcaí Cnuasach Uí Mhurchú Breandán Ó Conchúir ISBN 1855001403 Scoil an Léínn Cheiltigh 1991 Seacht lámhscríbhinní déag is trí fichid atá sa chnuasach seo, a bhí tráth i seilbh an Urr. James E. H. Murphy, ollamh le Gaeilge i gColáiste na Tríonóide I mBaile Átha Cliath,
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
Catalogue Of Irish Manuscripts at Oxford
Catalogue Of Irish Manuscripts at Oxford Part 2 Plates and Indexes Brian Ó Cuív School of Celtic Studies Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 2003 ISBN 1855001918 Catalogue of Irish Language Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford and Oxford College Libraries. Contents Preface List of Plates. Plates Index 1 Initial
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts Fasciculus II
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts Fasciculus II. In the National Library of Ireland. Nessa Ní Shéaghdha. Dublin Institute For Advanced Studies. 1961 This Catalogue describes the collection of Manuscripts held in the National Library of Ireland. Fasciculus II Mss G15 – G 69
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts Fasciculus 1
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts Fasciculus 1. In the National Library of Ireland. Nessa Ní Shéaghdha. Dublin Institute For Advanced Studies. 1967 This Catalogue describes the collection of Manuscripts held in the National Library of Ireland. Fasciculus 1 Mss G1 – G14
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts Fasciculus IV
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts Fasciculus IV. In the National Library of Ireland. Nessa Ní Shéaghdha. Dublin Institute For Advanced Studies. 1977 This Catalogue describes the collection of Manuscripts held in the National Library of Ireland. Fasciculus IV Mss. G 115 – G 160
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts Fasciculus III
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts Fasciculus III. In the National Library of Ireland. Nessa Ní Shéaghdha. Dublin Institute For Advanced Studies. 1976 This Catalogue describes the collection of Manuscripts held in the National Library of Ireland. Fasciculus III Mss. G 70 – G 114
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts Fasciculus VIII
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts Fasciculus VIII. In the National Library of Ireland. Nessa Ní Shéaghdha. Dublin Institute For Advanced Studies. 1984 ISBN 0901282790 This Catalogue describes the collection of Manuscripts held in the National Library of Ireland. Fasciculus VIII Mss. G 331 – G 373
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts Fasciculus VI
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts Fasciculus VI. In the National Library of Ireland. Nessa Ní Shéaghdha. Dublin Institute For Advanced Studies. 1980 This Catalogue describes the collection of Manuscripts held in the National Library of Ireland. Fasciculus VI Mss. G 208 – G 257
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts Fasciculus XI
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts Fasciculus XI. In the National Library of Ireland. Pádraig Ó Macháin. Dublin Institute For Advanced Studies. 1990 ISBN 1855001357 This Catalogue describes the collection of Manuscripts held in the National Library of Ireland. Fasciculus XI Mss. G 501 – G 599
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts Fasciculus X
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts Fasciculus X. In the National Library of Ireland. Nessa Ní Shéaghdha. Dublin Institute For Advanced Studies. 1987 ISBN 090128291X This Catalogue describes the collection of Manuscripts held in the National Library of Ireland. Fasciculus X Mss. G 434 – G 500
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts Fasciculus IX
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts Fasciculus IX. In the National Library of Ireland. Nessa Ní Shéaghdha. Dublin Institute For Advanced Studies. 1986 ISBN 0901282855 This Catalogue describes the collection of Manuscripts held in the National Library of Ireland. Fasciculus IX Mss. G 374 – 433
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the University of Wisconsin
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the University of Wisconsin. Cornelius G. Buttimer. School of Celtic Studies Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1989 ISBN 1855000016 Contents: MS 175 Battle sagas, MS 176 Trí Biorghaoithe an Bháis, MS 177 Sermon; lexicon; verse, MS 178 Battle sagas, MS 179 Tales; Ossianic verse, MS
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference, Teanga & leabhair thagartha / Language & reference
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts Fasciculus V
Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts Fasciculus V. In the National Library of Ireland. Nessa Ní Shéaghdha. Dublin Institute For Advanced Studies. 1979 This Catalogue describes the collection of Manuscripts held in the National Library of Ireland. Fasciculus V Mss. G 161 – G 207
Categories: Institiúid Ard-Léinn / Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Taighde / Study, Taighde / Study
Aibidil Gaoidheilge & Caiticiosma
Aibidil Gaoidheilge & Caiticiosma Seán Ó Cearnaigh’s Irish Primer of Religion Published in 1571 Edited by Brian ó Cuív ISBN 1855001632 Dublin Institute for advanced Studies 1994 Leabhar snasta suimiúil atá sa leabhar seo do té a mbeadh spéis aige/aici i stair agus chreidimh in Éirinn nó i stair na