Beatha Mhuire / Das Marienleben
Rainer Maria Rilke
Leaganacha Gaeilge le Valentin Iremonger
Coiscéim 1990
Na bun dánta Gearmáinise agus an t-aistriúcháin Ghaeilge a chuir Iremonger orthu ar aghaidh a chéile ar na leathanaigh. Sa tsraith seo téimid ón gcritheagla sna dánta tosaigh go dtí áthas báis agus tógáil na Maighdine ag an deireadh.
The original German poems and their Irish language translations by Iremonger are here placed on opposite pages. In this series of poems we move from the terror at the beginning to the joy of death and resurrection found at its conclusion.
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