Bealach na hAislinge Dreamways


Domhnall Mistéil

Forbairt Feirste 2014

Lth/Pgs 112

Tionscadal de chuid Forbairt Feirste é seo a dhéanann cur síos ar Bhóthar Seoighe, in íomhánna agus i bhfocail, le teaghlach sínte amháin a bhfuil gaol clainne acu le ceithre cinn de na hocht dteaghlach bunaidh agus gaol cairdis leo uilig. Thar rud ar bith eile, ámh, ba í an fhís a bhí acu don Ghaeilge a nasc na teaghlaigh go léir. Níl anseo ach scéal amháin; tá tuilleadh le hinsint, ag páistí agus ag garpháistí na dteaghlach eile chomh maith. Ní féidir barraíocht scéalta a bheith ann, idir nua agus sean, scéalta ó Bhóthar Seoighe agus ó Ard na bhFeá chomh maith. Tá tithe nua le tógáil agus scéalta nua le teacht. Tá súil as againn go dtiocfaidh an dá rud as an leabhar seo. Fáiltíonn muid roimh an am atá le teacht.

This is the Bóthar Seoighe Gaeltacht story in the images and words of one extended family who have ties of kinship with four of the eight founding families and ties of friendship with them all. What linked those eight families, first and foremost, was a dream for the Irish language. This is only one story: there are more to be told, by the children and grandchildren of the other families too. And there can never be too many stories, new ones as well as old. Stories from Bóthar Seoighe as well as ones from Ard na bhFeá. There are new houses waiting to be built and new stories waiting to be made. We hope that this book helps to make both happen. And to the future we say “Fáilte romhat isteach”.


Domhnall Mistéil

Forbairt Feirste 2014

Lth/Pgs 112

Tionscadal de chuid Forbairt Feirste é seo a dhéanann cur síos ar Bhóthar Seoighe, in íomhánna agus i bhfocail, le teaghlach sínte amháin a bhfuil gaol clainne acu le ceithre cinn de na hocht dteaghlach bunaidh agus gaol cairdis leo uilig. Thar rud ar bith eile, ámh, ba í an fhís a bhí acu don Ghaeilge a nasc na teaghlaigh go léir. Níl anseo ach scéal amháin; tá tuilleadh le hinsint, ag páistí agus ag garpháistí na dteaghlach eile chomh maith. Ní féidir barraíocht scéalta a bheith ann, idir nua agus sean, scéalta ó Bhóthar Seoighe agus ó Ard na bhFeá chomh maith. Tá tithe nua le tógáil agus scéalta nua le teacht. Tá súil as againn go dtiocfaidh an dá rud as an leabhar seo. Fáiltíonn muid roimh an am atá le teacht.

This is the Bóthar Seoighe Gaeltacht story in the images and words of one extended family who have ties of kinship with four of the eight founding families and ties of friendship with them all. What linked those eight families, first and foremost, was a dream for the Irish language. This is only one story: there are more to be told, by the children and grandchildren of the other families too. And there can never be too many stories, new ones as well as old. Stories from Bóthar Seoighe as well as ones from Ard na bhFeá. There are new houses waiting to be built and new stories waiting to be made. We hope that this book helps to make both happen. And to the future we say “Fáilte romhat isteach”.

Weight 0.800 kg


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