Ár Nuachtán laethúil
Fiche Bliain De Lá
Philip Cummings
Coiscéim 2004
Fiche bliain ó shin, ba rud réabhlóideach é nuachtán Gaeilge a chur amach achan lá. Is rud réabhlóideach go fóill é cé go bhfuilimid anois cleachtaithe le Lá a fheiceáil sa siopaí agus lena dtugann ár nuachtán laethúil dúinn.
Sa leabhar seo, le fiche bliain de Lá a cheiliúradh, tá rogha leathan alt ó na blianta sin, iad leagtha amach faoi ábhair éagsúla a spreagfaidh suim an léitheora.
Twenty years ago it was revolutionary to put an Irish language newspaper out daily. It is still revolutionary although now we ar used to seeing “Lá” in the shops with the daily papers.
In this book celebrating 20 years of Lá there are a wide range of paragraphs from Lá from these 20 years, laid out under various headings to stimulate the readers interest.
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