Fortune Favours the Merry


Fortune Favours the Merry Peter Horan
Gerry Harrington

Ceol áthasach, ionraic atá ar an albam seo ar an bhfidil agus ar an bhfeadóg mhór ó bheirt cheoltóirí a bhfuil neart tallainn agus neart taithí acu araon.

Fortune Favours the Merry is an album of joyous, uncontrived music on flute and fiddle from two musicians with both talent and experience.


Fortune Favours the Merry Peter Horan
Gerry Harrington

Ceol áthasach, ionraic atá ar an albam seo ar an bhfidil agus ar an bhfeadóg mhór ó bheirt cheoltóirí a bhfuil neart tallainn agus neart taithí acu araon.

Fortune Favours the Merry is an album of joyous, uncontrived music on flute and fiddle from two musicians with both talent and experience.

Weight 0.100 kg


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