

Iris Mhuintir Chonamara i mBaile Átha Cliath
Muintir Chonamara

Réimse leathan ábhair san iris seo. A bhfuil in ndán don sean-nós á phlé ag duine atá ina mháistir ar an ealaín sin. Peadar Ó Ceannbháin, seanchas na n-amhrán faoi chaibidil ag Tomás Ó Coinceanainn, Larry Lamb faoi agallamh ag Áine Ní Chonghaile agus tuilleadh.

A wide range of material in this little publication. The future of sean-nós singing is examined by Peadar Ó Ceannbháin, himself a master of the style, Tomás Ó Coincheanainn turns his attention to the traditions associated with the songs and Larry lamb is interviewed by Áine Ní Chonghaile.


Iris Mhuintir Chonamara i mBaile Átha Cliath
Muintir Chonamara

Réimse leathan ábhair san iris seo. A bhfuil in ndán don sean-nós á phlé ag duine atá ina mháistir ar an ealaín sin. Peadar Ó Ceannbháin, seanchas na n-amhrán faoi chaibidil ag Tomás Ó Coinceanainn, Larry Lamb faoi agallamh ag Áine Ní Chonghaile agus tuilleadh.

A wide range of material in this little publication. The future of sean-nós singing is examined by Peadar Ó Ceannbháin, himself a master of the style, Tomás Ó Coincheanainn turns his attention to the traditions associated with the songs and Larry lamb is interviewed by Áine Ní Chonghaile.

Weight 0.050 kg


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