Bunreacht na hÉireann/Constitution of Ireland


Bunreacht na hÉireann / Constitution of Ireland
ISBN 0707662427
Rialtas an hÉireann

Rinne an pobal Bunreacht na hÉireann a achtú an 1 Iúil 1937. Glacadh leis an mbunreacht nua, a cuireadh in ionad Bhunreacht Shaorstát Éireann, 1922, le 685,105 vóta ar a thaobh agus 526,945 vóta ina aghaidh, is é sin tromlach 158,160.
Baineann Bunreacht na hÉireann, tríd is tríd, le traidisiún daonlathach liobrálach na hEorpa agus Mheiriceá. Dearbhaítear ann gur ón bpobal, faoi Dhia, a thagann gach cumhacht riala, idir reachtaíocht is comhallacht is breithiúnas, agus déantar socrú ann maidir le parlaimint dhaonlathach agus rialtas dhaonlathach chun na cumhachtaí reachtaíochta agus comhallacha faoi seach a oibriú, agus maidir le breithiúnacht neamhspleách chun an chumhacht bhreithiúnach a oibriú.
Sna hairteagail ann a bhaineann le bunchearta, ráthaítear saoirse. Comhionannas agus ceart don saoránach aonair.
Is cead Bunreacht na hÉireann a leasú, ach sin le reifreann amháin. Leasaíodh fiche uair é go dtí seo.

The Constitution of Ireland was enacted by the people on 1 July 1937. The new constitution, which replaced the 1922 Constitution of the Irish Free State, was carried by 685,105 votes in favour to 526,945 votes against, a majority of 158,160.
The Constitution of Ireland falls, broadly speaking, into the liberal democratic tradition of Europe and America. It asserts that all powers of government, legislative, executive and judicial, derive, under God, from the people and it provides for a democratic parliament and government to exercise the legislative and executive powers respectively, and for an independent judiciary to exercise the judicial power. In its fundamental rights articles it guarantees the individual citizen freedom, equality and justice.
The Constitution of Ireland may be amended, but only by referendum. It has been amended twenty times.


Bunreacht na hÉireann / Constitution of Ireland
ISBN 0707662427
Rialtas an hÉireann

Rinne an pobal Bunreacht na hÉireann a achtú an 1 Iúil 1937. Glacadh leis an mbunreacht nua, a cuireadh in ionad Bhunreacht Shaorstát Éireann, 1922, le 685,105 vóta ar a thaobh agus 526,945 vóta ina aghaidh, is é sin tromlach 158,160.
Baineann Bunreacht na hÉireann, tríd is tríd, le traidisiún daonlathach liobrálach na hEorpa agus Mheiriceá. Dearbhaítear ann gur ón bpobal, faoi Dhia, a thagann gach cumhacht riala, idir reachtaíocht is comhallacht is breithiúnas, agus déantar socrú ann maidir le parlaimint dhaonlathach agus rialtas dhaonlathach chun na cumhachtaí reachtaíochta agus comhallacha faoi seach a oibriú, agus maidir le breithiúnacht neamhspleách chun an chumhacht bhreithiúnach a oibriú.
Sna hairteagail ann a bhaineann le bunchearta, ráthaítear saoirse. Comhionannas agus ceart don saoránach aonair.
Is cead Bunreacht na hÉireann a leasú, ach sin le reifreann amháin. Leasaíodh fiche uair é go dtí seo.

The Constitution of Ireland was enacted by the people on 1 July 1937. The new constitution, which replaced the 1922 Constitution of the Irish Free State, was carried by 685,105 votes in favour to 526,945 votes against, a majority of 158,160.
The Constitution of Ireland falls, broadly speaking, into the liberal democratic tradition of Europe and America. It asserts that all powers of government, legislative, executive and judicial, derive, under God, from the people and it provides for a democratic parliament and government to exercise the legislative and executive powers respectively, and for an independent judiciary to exercise the judicial power. In its fundamental rights articles it guarantees the individual citizen freedom, equality and justice.
The Constitution of Ireland may be amended, but only by referendum. It has been amended twenty times.

Weight 0.275 kg


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