Béascna 6 2010
Iris Bhéaloideasa agus Eitneolaíochta
Journal of Folklore and Ethnology
John Eastlake
Seán Ó Duinnshléibhe
Ciarán Ó Gealbháin
Angun Sønnesyn Olsen
ISSN 16492137
University College Cork 2010
229 lth.
Clár Ábhair / Table of contents:
Altanna / Articles
Sile de Cléir, Ritual and the City context: Limerick 1925-1960………………………….……………….…1
Gearóidín Nic Cárthaigh. ‘Thugainnse Ana-thamall ag Éisteacht Léithe
ag Scéaltóireacht’, An Gaol idir Bab Feiritéar agus Máire Ruiséal……………………….………………19
John Eastlake, Jeremiah Curtain: Cross-cultural, Collaborative
Textual Production of Irish and Native American Mythologies……………………………………………36
Mícheál Briody, Ceistiúchán Shéamuis Uí Dhuilearga agus Adolf Mahr
ar na Toibreacha Beannaithe, 1934: Cúlra agus Comhthéacs……………………………………………….45
Méadhbh Nic an Airchinnigh, Caoineadh Airt Uí Laoghaire: Scrúdú ar Dhá Bhéalaithris ó
Nóra Ní Shíndile………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…69
Erin Kraus, Moll Anthony, Wise-Woman of Kildare:
The Survival of Tradition in the Face of Modernization ……………………………………………………92
Seán Ó Duinnshléibhe, Buaic na hOibre?:
Bailiúchán Sheáin Uí Chróinín I Múscraí idir na Blianta 1942-1945…………………..………………….113
Ciarán Ó Gealbháin, Londubh an Chairn: Leabhar dá Ré……………………………………………………….155
‘Mám ón nGort’
Dáithí de Mórdha (eag.), ‘Seanchas Cráifeach ó Iarthar Duibhneach’ ………………………………… 170
Alt Léirmheas / Review Article
Seán Ó Duinnshléibhe, ‘A Musical Journey’: Séamus Ennis’s Field Accounts……………………..177
Léirmheasanna / Reviews
James S. Donnelly Jr., Captain Rock:
The Irish Agrarian Rebellion of 1821-1824 (Guy Beiner)……………………………………………………………193
Ríonach uí Ógáin (eag.) Béaloideas 77: Tom Munnelly (Tríona Ní Shíocháin) ……………………..201
Sylvia Robertson and Tony Dilworth (eds.) Tales from Highland Pertshire Collected by
Lady Evelyn Stewart Murray (Dómhnall Uilleann Stiúbhart)…………………………………………….………. 205
Michael Robson, St Kilda: Church, Visitors and ‘Natives’ (Domhnall Uilleann Stiúbhart)………211
Timothy Neat, Hamish Henderson: The Making of the Poet, Volume 1 / Hamish Henderson:
Poetry Becomes People, Volume 11 (Proinsias Ó Drisceoil) ………………………………………………….215
Nessa Cronin, Seán Cresson and John Eastlake (eds.). Anáil an Bhéil Bheo:
Orality and Modern Irish Culture. (Marie-Annick Desplanques)…………………………………………….218
Roibeard Ó Cathasaigh (eag.). Tidil Eidil Éró: Amhránaíocht Thraidisiúnta don Aos Óg
(Angun Sønnesyn Olsen)………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….221
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