Béaloideas 68 2000


Béaloideas 68 2000
Séamas Ó Catháin
Ríonach Uí Ógáin
An Cumann Béaloideas Éireann 2000


Tá an t-eagrán seo de Béaloideas á thíolacadh don Dr Caoimhín Ó Danachair, Éarlamh an Chumainn le Béaloideas Éireann, scoláire, múinteoir agus iarbhall foirne de chuid Choimisiún Béaloideasa Éireann agus Roinn Bhéaloideas Éireann. An Coláiste Ollscoile, Baile Átha Cliath. De bharr a luí le grianghrafadóireacht agus a ardscil inti, foilsítear anseo, in ómós dó agus mar chomhartha buíochais as a cheannródaíocht ar son léann an bhéaloidis agus ar son an dúchas dar de é, rogha den iliomad grianghraf dá chuid.

This edition of Béaloideas is dedicated to Dr Kevin Danaher, Patron of the Folklore of Ireland Society, scholar, teacher and former member of the staff of the Irish Folklore Commission and the Department of Irish Folklore, University College Dublin. In recognition of his skill and special interest in photography, a selection of the many photographs taken by him is published here in his honour and as a token of gratitude for his pioneering work in the discipline of folklore, and for his native culture.


Béaloideas 68 2000
Séamas Ó Catháin
Ríonach Uí Ógáin
An Cumann Béaloideas Éireann 2000


Tá an t-eagrán seo de Béaloideas á thíolacadh don Dr Caoimhín Ó Danachair, Éarlamh an Chumainn le Béaloideas Éireann, scoláire, múinteoir agus iarbhall foirne de chuid Choimisiún Béaloideasa Éireann agus Roinn Bhéaloideas Éireann. An Coláiste Ollscoile, Baile Átha Cliath. De bharr a luí le grianghrafadóireacht agus a ardscil inti, foilsítear anseo, in ómós dó agus mar chomhartha buíochais as a cheannródaíocht ar son léann an bhéaloidis agus ar son an dúchas dar de é, rogha den iliomad grianghraf dá chuid.

This edition of Béaloideas is dedicated to Dr Kevin Danaher, Patron of the Folklore of Ireland Society, scholar, teacher and former member of the staff of the Irish Folklore Commission and the Department of Irish Folklore, University College Dublin. In recognition of his skill and special interest in photography, a selection of the many photographs taken by him is published here in his honour and as a token of gratitude for his pioneering work in the discipline of folklore, and for his native culture.

Weight 0.625 kg


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