An t-Ardeiriceach agus a Chuid
Gullaume Apollinaire
Aistrithe ag Gabhán Ó Fachtna
Coiscéim 2012
184 lth.
Duine de na scríbhneoirí is tábhachtaí in Eoraip na fichiú aoise ab ea Gullaume Apollinaire (1880-1918). Tá an cnuasach aistrithe ag Gabhán Ó Fachtna, ar gearrscéalaí ilteangach é féin agus trí chnuasach dá chuid i gcló ag Coiscéim. Tá nótaí cuimsitheacha leis an téacs, atá níos dílse do bhuanna liteartha Apollinaire ná aistriúchán eile.
Gullaume Apollinaire (1880 – 1918) was one of the most important writers in the 20th century. Gabhán Ó Fachtna who is a multilingual short story writer himself with three of his collections published by Coiscéim has translated this collection, with comprehensive notes which are more faithful to Apollinaire’s literary ability than other translations.
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