An Gaeilgeoir Grámhar
Alan Desmond
ISBN 9780955721755
Foghlaimeoirí Fásta
LeabhairComhar 2011
90 lth
Is mór an t-athrú atá tagtha ar shaol Bhiddy Uí Laoghaire ó thosaigh sí ag freastal ar rang Gaeilge beagnach dhá bhliain ó shin. Tá sí ina seanmháthair, tá sí pósta don dara huair agus tá roinnt mhaith Gaeilge foghlamtha aici.
Agus tá athruithe eile i ndán di. Tá an mac is sine léi, Eoin, i ndiaidh teacht abhaile ón Astráil agus tá fear in éineacht leis. Ach cén sórt gaoil atá eatarthu?
Is é Mánas múinteoir Gaeilge Bhiddy agus tá suim aige i mná óga sa rang Gaeilge, rud atá ag cur isteach go mór ar Bhiddy. Ach an éireoidh sí as an rang mar gheall ar iompar Mhánais?
An éireoidh léi cailín a fháil d’Eoin?
Tá na freagraí go léir le fáil sa leabhar gairid soléite seo.
Biddy Uí Laoghaire’s life has changed greatly since she started attending an Irish language class nearly two years ago. She is now a grandmother, she has re-married and she has of course learnt a lot of Irish.
But there are other changes in store for her. Her eldest son Eoin comes home from Australia in the company of another man. But what is the nature of the relationship between them?
Biddy is disgusted by the attention the Irish teacher pays to young women, but will she leave the class because of his behaviour?
Will she manage to find a girlfriend for Eoin?
The answers to these questions, and more, are provided in this short, highly readable book.
An Gaeilgeoir Grámhar
An Gaeilgeoir Grámhar
Alan Desmond
ISBN 9780955721755
Foghlaimeoirí Fásta
LeabhairComhar 2011
90 lth
Is mór an t-athrú atá tagtha ar shaol Bhiddy Uí Laoghaire ó thosaigh sí ag freastal ar rang Gaeilge beagnach dhá bhliain ó shin. Tá sí ina seanmháthair, tá sí pósta don dara huair agus tá roinnt mhaith Gaeilge foghlamtha aici.
Agus tá athruithe eile i ndán di. Tá an mac is sine léi, Eoin, i ndiaidh teacht abhaile ón Astráil agus tá fear in éineacht leis. Ach cén sórt gaoil atá eatarthu?
Is é Mánas múinteoir Gaeilge Bhiddy agus tá suim aige i mná óga sa rang Gaeilge, rud atá ag cur isteach go mór ar Bhiddy. Ach an éireoidh sí as an rang mar gheall ar iompar Mhánais?
An éireoidh léi cailín a fháil d’Eoin?
Tá na freagraí go léir le fáil sa leabhar gairid soléite seo.
Biddy Uí Laoghaire’s life has changed greatly since she started attending an Irish language class nearly two years ago. She is now a grandmother, she has re-married and she has of course learnt a lot of Irish.
But there are other changes in store for her. Her eldest son Eoin comes home from Australia in the company of another man. But what is the nature of the relationship between them?
Biddy is disgusted by the attention the Irish teacher pays to young women, but will she leave the class because of his behaviour?
Will she manage to find a girlfriend for Eoin?
The answers to these questions, and more, are provided in this short, highly readable book.
Weight | 0.160 kg |
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