
Céilim ar Laethanta Saoire


Le Megan Ní Ifearnáin agus Vince Reid,

An Gúm 2023,

ISBN 9781857919851,

Seo chugainn an samhradh agus tá Céilim agus Mamaí ar laethanta saoire. Ach cá rachaidh siad? Chuig an trá?
Chuig an bpáirc spraoi?

Summer is here and Céilim and Mum are on holiday. But where will they go? To the beach?
To the amusement park?


Le Megan Ní Ifearnáin agus Vince Reid,

An Gúm 2023,

ISBN 9781857919851,

Seo chugainn an samhradh agus tá Céilim agus Mamaí ar laethanta saoire. Ach cá rachaidh siad? Chuig an trá?
Chuig an bpáirc spraoi?

Summer is here and Céilim and Mum are on holiday. But where will they go? To the beach?
To the amusement park?

Weight 0.200 kg


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