Trí Bior-Ghaoithe an bháis


Trí Bior-Ghaoithe an bháis:
Séathrún Céitinn
The three shafts of death
By Geoffrey Keating D.D.
Edited, with introduction, Indexes and Glossary by
Osborn Bergin
ISBN 1855001586
Scoil na Léinn Cheiltigh 1992

Athchló ar eagrán an Acadaimh, 1931, den téacs tábhachtach as ré luath na nua-Ghaeilge, gona réamhrá ar theanga an Chéithnigh agus gona innéacs áisiúil.

A reprint of the R.I.A edition of 1931, an important early modern Irish text with an analytical foreword on Keating’s language and useful index.


Trí Bior-Ghaoithe an bháis:
Séathrún Céitinn
The three shafts of death
By Geoffrey Keating D.D.
Edited, with introduction, Indexes and Glossary by
Osborn Bergin
ISBN 1855001586
Scoil na Léinn Cheiltigh 1992

Athchló ar eagrán an Acadaimh, 1931, den téacs tábhachtach as ré luath na nua-Ghaeilge, gona réamhrá ar theanga an Chéithnigh agus gona innéacs áisiúil.

A reprint of the R.I.A edition of 1931, an important early modern Irish text with an analytical foreword on Keating’s language and useful index.

Weight 0.999 kg


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