Crainn Seoil


Crainn Seoil

Crainn Seoil
Liam Ó hÁinle

Bailiúchán filíochta a bhfuil féith na liriciúlachta le brath air. As gnáthshaol an duine a dhéantar na dréachtaí seo agus is í an fheidhm mheafarach an-mhinic a spreagann iad.

A collection of poetry in a lyrical vein. The pieces are based on everyday experiences and are often inspired by their metaphorical possibilities.


Crainn Seoil
Liam Ó hÁinle

Bailiúchán filíochta a bhfuil féith na liriciúlachta le brath air. As gnáthshaol an duine a dhéantar na dréachtaí seo agus is í an fheidhm mheafarach an-mhinic a spreagann iad.

A collection of poetry in a lyrical vein. The pieces are based on everyday experiences and are often inspired by their metaphorical possibilities.

Weight 0,250 kg


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